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Tag Archive: cheerleading

What gets measured gets improved.

If you ever find you or your squad struggling with motivation or progress, the “What gets measured gets improved” concept from management quru Peter Drucker can help immensely. Here are a few ways I used it when I coached KU: When you’re…
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Don’t set goals.

“But I thought setting goals was the right thing to do,” I can hear you thinking. And you’re right — my click-bait title is a bit misleading. Goals are okay, but a goal alone won’t help you much. A goal is…
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The secret to great stunting

A few years ago at college nationals, another coach asked me how we got our KU girls to stunt so clean. I’d seen his team’s routine, and they threw some great stuff, but he was right that even though they…
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Better coaching in two words

When giving skill instruction, I believe explaining the ‘why’ helps kids learn to self-assess their technique, which gives them more opportunity for learning in the future. But there’s not always time for explanations at practice (and especially games and comp…
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Unbelievably surprising progress

Gideon Ariel ran a study where a group of men lifted weights for 7 weeks, which increased their max squat by 6 pounds. Then, Gideon told them he’d give them steroids for their next 4 weeks of lifting. During those…
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What if you could you learn skills faster?

For most cheerleaders, learning a new skill involves trying it and listening to the coach’s spoken instructions. It’s worked for years – it’s how I usually coached too – but it’s not the only way to learn, and it might…
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How to Hit

At the 2015 UCA College Nationals, KU (the squad that my wife and I coached) was one of only a few Div1A Large Coed teams with a zero-deduction hit in finals. And it felt GOOD!!! LOL. But why did 18 teams…
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